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  • 姓  名:杨文稼
  • 性  别:
  • 出生日期:1993年12月16日
  • 民  族:
  • 籍  贯:甘肃夏河
  • 学  位:博士
  • 学  历:研究生
  • 职  称:副教授
  • 职  务:
  • 政治面貌:群众
  • 邮  箱:wenjiayang123@126.com
  • 联系电话:18827126050


男,199312月生,博士;2021博士研究生国家奖学金获得者,博士期间作为主要参与者参与完成国家科研项目3项。主要从事农田生态系统作物水分养分高效利用及其调控方面的研究。以第一作者身份在国内外知名期刊发表学术论文10余篇,其中在Agricultural and Forest MeteorologyEuropean Journal of AgronomyAgriculture, Ecosystems & EnvironmentAgricultural Water ManagementThe Crop JournalJournal of Integrative AgricultureAgronomySCI期刊杂志上发表文章7篇,累积影响因子35.776


2011.9 —2015.6  甘肃农业大学  攻读学士

2015.9 2018.6  西北农林科技大学  攻读硕士

2018.9 —2022.6  西北农林科技大学  攻读博士

2022.7 —至今   九州官方网站    任专任教师


1Yang, W.J., Li, Y.L., Liu, W.J., et. al., 2021, Sustainable high yields can be achieved in drylands on the Loess Plateau by changing water use patterns through integrated agronomic management. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 296, 108210.(中科院TOP 1区)

2Yang, W.J., Chang, F., Ma D.K., et. al., 2022. Subsoil water use to attain stable high yields of winter wheat in drylands Loess Plateau of China. European Journal of Agronomy. 139, 126558.(中科院TOP 1区)

3Yang, W.J., Yue, S.C., Chang, F., et. al., 2022, Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing yield through manure substitution and supplemental irrigation in dryland of northwest China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 332, 107937.(中科院TOP 1区)

4Yang, W.J., Yan, N.T., Zhang, J.L., et. al., 2022. The applicability of water-permeability plastic film and biodegradable film as alternatives to polyethylene film in crops on the Loess Plateau. Agricultural Water Management.(接收)(中科院TOP 1区)

5Yang, W.J., Liu, W.J., Li, Y.L., et. al., 2021. Increasing rainfed wheat yield by optimizing agronomic practices to consume more subsoil water in the Loess Plateau. The Crop Journal. 9, 1418-1427.(中科院TOP 1区)

6Yang, W.J.#, Li, Y.L.#, Liu, W.J., et. al., 2022. Agronomic managements resulted in discrepant precipitation use efficiency due to their different impacts on steps of precipitation use process in dryland wheat. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. In Press)(中科院2区)

7Ye, J. #, Yang, W.J.#, Li, Y.L., et. al., 2020. Seed pre-soaking with melatonin improves wheat yield by delaying leaf senescence and promoting root development. Agronomy. 10, 84.(中科院2区)

8杨文稼, 王仕稳, 李雨霖,. 2018. 半干旱地区补充灌溉对冬小麦根系及耗水特征的影响. 干旱区研究 35, 920-928.





13孙海妮,王仕稳,李雨霖,杨文稼,殷修帅,殷俐娜.(2018).生物炭施用量对冬小麦产量及水分利用效率的影响研究.干旱地区农业研究.6, 159-167.

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