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  • 姓  名:聂江文
  • 性  别:
  • 出生日期:1992年10月
  • 民  族:
  • 籍  贯:湖北崇阳
  • 学  位:博士
  • 学  历:博士研究生
  • 职  称:讲师
  • 职  务:
  • 政治面貌:中共党员
  • 邮  箱:13437203646@163.com
  • 联系电话:


聂江文,博士,讲师。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目和国家重点研发计划等课题。在国内外学术期刊上发表论文40余篇,发明专利3项,制定地方标准1项。担任“Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Journal of Cleaner Production, Frontiers in Plant Science,Remote Sensing,Journal of Soils and Sediments,生物多样性”等期刊审稿人。研究方向包括:生态高效种植制度构建与优化;农田生态系统固碳减排研究;农田碳氮循环及其微生物调控机制;植物-土壤-微生物相互作用。















Nie JW, Harrison MT, Zhou J, Yang L, Zhao J, Wang XQ, Liu K, Wang S, Zang HD, Yang YD, Zeng ZH*. Productivity and water use efficiency of summer soybean-winter wheat rotation system under limited water supply in the North China Plain. European Journal of Agronomy. 2023.  

Nie JW#, Wang XQ#, Ma ST, Zhang K, Zhang XQ, Zhao J, Zang HD, Yang YD*, Zeng ZH. Evaluation of crop productivity, water and nitrogen use, and carbon footprint of summer peanut- winter wheat cropping system in the North China Plain. Food and Energy Security. 2022.  

Nie JW, Zhou J, Zhao J, Wang XQ, Liu K, Wang PX, Wang S, Yang L, Zang HD, Harrison MT, Yang YD*, Zeng ZH. Soybean crops penalize subsequent wheat yield during drought in the North China Plain. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022.  

Nie JW, Zhou Y, Yang W, Li SQ, Li HX, Wu JW, Li CW, Yan XY, Zhu R, Zhu B*, Liu ZY*. Effect of Fertilization Regimes and Seasonal Change on nosZ-Denitrifying Bacterial Community in a Double-Rice Paddy. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2021.

Nie JW, Yang YD, Wang B, Liu ZY, Zhu B*. Stronger impact of urea application than incorporation of Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus L.) on nirK-denitrifying bacterial communities in a Chinese double-rice paddy. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B—Soil & Plant Science. 2021.

Nie JW, Yi LX, Xu HS, Liu ZY, Zeng ZH, Dijkstra P, George WK, Hungate BA, Zhu B*. Leguminous cover crop Astragalus sinicus enhances grain yields and nitrogen use efficiency through increased tillering in an intensive double-cropping rice system in Southern China. Agronomy. 2019.

Yu TB#, Nie JW#, Zang HD, Zeng ZH, Yang YD. Peanut-based Rotation Stabilized Diazotrophic Communities and Increased Subsequent Wheat Yield. Microbial Ecology. 2023.

李心雨,邓姣,朱杰,李成伟,蒋梦蝶,刘章勇,聂江文*,朱波*. 秸秆还田和种植制度对长江中游稻田温室气体排放的影响[J]. 农业环境科学学报,2024,1-14.

聂江文,王幼娟,吴邦魁,刘章勇,朱波*. 双季稻田冬闲期土壤细菌数量及结构对施氮的响应[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2019, 25(06): 889-896.

聂江文,王幼娟,田媛,彭传华,王欢,刘章勇,朱波*. 紫云英与化学氮肥配施对双季稻田CH4与N2O排放的影响[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2018, 24(03): 676-684.

聂江文,王幼娟,田媛,彭传华,王欢,刘章勇,朱波*. 紫云英还田对早稻直播稻田温室气体排放的影响[J]. 农业环境科学学报, 2018, 37(10): 2334-2341.

聂江文,王幼娟,吴邦魁,刘章勇,朱波*. 施氮对冬种紫云英不还田条件下稻田土壤微生物数量与结构的影响[J]. 生态学杂志, 2018, 37(12):3617-3624.

聂江文,杨梅,熊勤学,刘章勇,田小海,朱波*. 基于DSSAT模型模拟高低温灾害对荆州市中稻产量的影响及对策[J]. 江西农业大学学报, 2017, 39(02):223-229.


Wang S, Wang XQ, Nie JW, Zang HD*, Zhao J, Wang PX, Min KK, Yang YD, Brown RW, Zeng ZH*. Carbon emissions in winter wheat–summer maize double cropping system under manure application and limited irrigation. European Journal of Agronomy. 2024,

Zhao TY, Nie JW, Yan XY, Xue WT. Identifying the critical LED light condition for optimum yield and flavonoid of pea sprouts. Scientia Horticulturae. 2024.

Yang L, Nie JW, Zhao J, Fang XY, Yang YD*, Zang HD, Zeng ZH. Reduce carbon footprint without compromising system productivity: Optimizing crop rotation in the North China plain. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2023.

Wang XQ, Wang S, Zang HD, Nie JW, Zhao J, Wang PX, Peixoto L, Yang YD*, Olesen JE, Zeng ZH. Replacing chemical fertilizer with manure reduces N2O emissions in winter wheat – summer maize cropping system under limited irrigation. Journal of Environmental Management. 2023.

Liu K, Harrison MT*, Yan HL, Liu DL, Meinke H, Hoogenboom G, Wang B, Peng B, Guan KY, Jaegermeyr J, Wang EL, Zhang F, Yin XG, Archontoulis S, Nie LX, Badea A, Man JG, Wallach D, Zhao J, Benjumea AB, Fahad S, Tian XH, Wan WLg, Tao FL, Zhang Z, Rötter R, Yuan YL, Zhu M, Dai PH, Nie JW, Yang YD, Zhang YB, Zhou MX. Silver lining to a climate crisis in multiple prospects for alleviating crop waterlogging under future climates. Nature Communications. 2023.  

Muleke A, Harrison MT*, Eisner R, Voil RD, Yanotti M, Liu K, Monjardino M, Yin XG, Wang WL, Nie JW, Ferreira C, Zhao J, Zhang F, Fahad S, Shurpali N, Feng PY, Zhang YB, Forster D, Yang R, Qi ZM, Fei W, Gao XH, Man JG, Nie LX. Sustainable intensification with irrigation raises farm profit despite climate emergency. Plants People Plant. 2023.  

Liu CY, Xu Y, Zhao J, Nie JW, Jiang Y, Shang MJ, Zang HD*, Yang YD, Brown RW, Zeng ZH. Optimizing sowing date and plant density improve peanut yield by mitigating heat and chilling stress. Agronomy Journal. 2023.  

Wang XQ, Nie JW, Wang PX, Zhao J, Yang YD, Wang S, Zeng ZH*, Zang HD. Does the replacement of chemical fertilizer nitrogen by manure benefit water use efficiency of winter wheat -summer maize systems? Agricultural Water Management. 2021.

Yan ZJ, Zhou J, Nie JW, Yang YD, Zhao J, Zeng ZH*, Marshall MR, Peixoto L, Zang HD*. Do cropping system and fertilization rate change water-stable aggregates associated carbon and nitrogen storage? Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021.

Wang XQ, Yang YD, Zhao J, Nie JW, Zang HD*, Zeng ZH, Olesen, JE. Yield benefits from replacing chemical fertilizers with manure under water deficient conditions of the winter wheat-summer maize system in the North China Plain. European Journal of Agronomy. 2020.

Yang YD, Nie JW, Wang S, Shi LL, Li ZZ, Zeng ZH*, Zang HD. Differentiated responses of nirS- and nirK-type denitrifiers to 30 years of combined inorganic and organic fertilization in a paddy soil. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 2020.




曾昭海,王上,臧华栋,杨亚东,聂江文,李超. 一种华北地区春绿豆-夏玉米节水高收入轮作方法[P]. CN111248046A,2020-06-09.

曾昭海,王上,臧华栋,杨亚东,聂江文,许和水,朱波,胡跃高. 一种采用红萍与水稻共生节肥减排增产的双季稻种植方法[P]. CN110249940A,2019-09-20.

曾昭海,王上,臧华栋,杨亚东,赵杰,聂江文,王希全,李超. 一种黑龙港低平原地区两年三熟节水轮作方法[P]. CN110140625A,2019-08-20.


春花生-冬小麦-夏玉米两年三熟节水耕作栽培技术规程 (DB1309/T 272-2023)

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