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  • 姓  名:徐乐
  • 性  别:
  • 出生日期:1988年03月
  • 民  族:汉族
  • 籍  贯:湖南岳阳
  • 学  位:博士
  • 学  历:博士研究生
  • 职  称:副教授
  • 职  务:
  • 政治面貌:中共党员
  • 邮  箱:597582012@qq.com
  • 联系电话:

女,19883月出生,2015博士毕业于中山大学。现为九州官方网站副教授主要研究领域为麦类作物非生物逆境抗性。在Molecular PlantFrontiers in Plant Science, Functional Plant Biology, Plant Growth Regulation, The Crop Journal等国内外期刊上发表多篇学术论文,以第一发明人获国家授权实用新型专利1项。2019年获长江大学菁英人才称号。

Email: 501140@yangtzeu.edu.cnQQ:597582012


2010/07 – 2015/07,中山大学,生命科学学院,研究生/博士,导师:肖仕、姚楠

2006/09 – 2010/07,陕西师范大学,生命科学学院生物学基地班,本科/学士


2015/07-至今  长江大学,九州官方网站(中国)农学系,讲师、副教授

2018/08-2019/08  澳大利亚莫道克大学,访问学者,导师李承道。研究课题:醛氧化酶AO1调控大麦种子萌发的机制

2019/08-2019/11  澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学,访问学者,导师周美学。研究课题:水淹耐受小麦筛选及通气组织形成基因筛选

2024/01-               澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学,访问学者,导师周美学。研究课题:小麦耐渍


1. 湖北省支持种业高质量发展资金项目旱粮作物优异种质资源挖掘创制及新品种培育2023.08-2025.0815万元,主持,在研。

2. 国防科工局核能开发项目,“核辐射作物品种与害虫改良”协作课题“小麦重离子束辐射诱变效应及育种利用”,2021.1-2025.120万,主持,在研。

3. 湿地生态与农业利用教育部工程研究中心2023年开放基金项目,KF202303小麦耐渍生理机制解析及耐渍品种选育2023/08-2016/085万元,主持,在研

4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,HvDGAT1基因调控大麦生殖期低温耐受性的分子机制,2020.1-2023.123万,主持,结题

5. 长江大学教学改革项目,双创背景下地方高校农科专业本科毕业论文(设计)分类改革与实践,2022.01-2024.010.5万元,主持,在研

6. 广东省植物发育生物工程重点实验室2018开放基金项目,大麦HvDGAT1基因适应低温环境的进化机制研究,2019.1-2020.12万元,主持,结题

7. 湿地生态与农业利用教育部工程研究中心2016年开放基金项目,KF201605,硫化氢耐受水稻品系初步筛选与鉴定,2016/05-2017/052万元,主持结题。

8. 主要粮食作物产业化湖北省协同创新中心开放基金面上项目,LXT-16-10,水稻萌发期低氧耐受相关基因的克隆与分析,2016/01-2017/123万元,主持,结题。

9. 甜荞FeDREB1基因功能及其参与干旱应答的分子调控机制国家自然科学基金面上项目2016-2018,参与,结题。


徐乐参编. 作物表型研究方法. 北京: 科学出版社, 2017.02

徐乐参编. 科技写作. 北京:科学出版社, 2022.06

徐乐主编. 植物学实验指导. 北京:中国农业出版社,2022.02


1. Xue Q, Xiong H, Zhou C, Guo H, Zhao L, Xie Y, Gu J, Zhao S, Ding Y, Xu L*, Liu L*. (2023). Gene mapping and identification of a missense mutation in one copy of vrn-a1 affects heading date variation in wheat. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24, 5008. doi:10.3390/ijms24055008.

2. Xu L, Gao H, Wu J, Wang S, Pan R, Zhang W*. (2023). Comparison of Seed Germination Characteristics Between Cultivated and Wild Barley. J Plant Growth Regul. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-023-11080-2

3. Zhao Y, Li S, Wu J, Liu H, Wang P, Xu L* Insights into membrane lipids modification in barley leaves as an adaptation mechanism to cold stress, Plant Growth Regul (2023 accepted)

4. Xu L, Zhao C, Pang J, Niu Y, Liu H, Zhang W and Zhou M. (2022). Genome-wide association study reveals quantitative trait loci for waterlogging-triggered adventitious roots and aerenchyma formation in common wheat. Front. Plant Sci. 13:1066752. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1066752

5. Xu L, Wu J, Zhao Y, Zhang W, Xu Y. (2022). Salicylic acid-mediated diacylglycerol/triacylglycerol conversion affects the freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis. Plant Growth Regulation. 98, 249–258. doi: 10.1007/s10725-022-00850-9

6. Li B, Yang C, An B, Wang H, Albaqami M, Abou-Elwafa SF, Xu L*, Xu Y*. (2022). Comparative transcriptomic, and epigenetic analyses reveal conserved and divergent regulatory pathways in barley response to temperature stresses. Physiologia Plantarum. 174:e13727. doi: 10.1111/ppl.13727

7. Wu J, Kamanga BM, Zhang W, Xu Y, Xu L*(2022). Research progress of aldehyde oxidases in plants. PeerJ. 10:e13119. doi:10.7717/peerj.13119(通讯作者)

8. Zhao Y, Zhang W, Abou-Elwafa SF, Shabala S*, Xu L* (2021). Understanding a mechanistic basis of aba involvement in plant adaptation to soil flooding: the current standing. Plants. 10, 1982. doi:10.3390/plants10101982.

9. Xu L, Pan R, Zhang W. (2020). Membrane lipids are involved in plant response to oxygen deprivation. Plant Signal Behav. 15:7. doi: 10.1080/15592324.2020.1771938.

10. Xu L, Pan R, Zhou M, Xu Y, Zhang W. (2019). Lipid remodelling plays an important role in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) hypoxia stress. Funct Plant Biol. 47(1):58-66. doi: 10.1071/FP19150.

11. Xu L#, Li S#, Shabala S, Jian T, Zhang W. (2019). Plants grown in parafilm-wrapped Petri dishes are stressed and possess altered gene expression profile. Front Plant Sci. doi:10.3389/fpls.2019.00637.

12. Xu L, Pan R, Shabala L, Shabala S, Zhang W. (2019). Temperature influences waterlogging stress-induced damage in Arabidopsis through the regulation of photosynthesis and hypoxia-related genes. Plant growth regulation. 89, 143–152. doi:10.1007/s10725-019-00518-x

13. Xu L, Wu C, Oelmüller R and Zhang W. (2018). Role of phytohormones in piriformospora indica-induced growth promotion and stress tolerance in plants: More Questions than Answers. Front Microbiol. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.01646.

14. Xu L, Wang A, Wang J, Wei Q, Zhang W. (2016). Piriformospora indica confers drought tolerance on Zea mays L. through enhancement of antioxidant activity and expression of drought-related genes. Crop Journal. doi:10.1016/j.cj.2016.10.002 (2018高引论文)

15. Chen Q#, Xu L#, Tan W#, Chen L, Qi H, Xie L, Chen M, Liu B, Yu L, Yao N, Zhang J, Shu W, and Xiao S*. (2015). Disruption of the Arabidopsis defense regulator genes SAG101, EDS1, and PAD4 confers enhanced freezing tolerance. Molecular Plant. 8(10): 1536-1549. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2015.06.009

16. Liu L, Xu L, Jia Q, Pan R, Ralf O, Zhang W, Wu C. (2019). Arms race: diverse effector proteins with conserved motifs, Plant Signal Behav. 14:2, 1557008, doi: 10.1080/15592324.2018.1557008.

17. Yun P#, Xu L#, Wang S, Shabala L, Shabala S, Zhang W*. (2018). Piriformospora indica improves salinity stress tolerance in Zea mays L. plants by regulating Na+ and K+ loading in root and allocating K+ in shoot. Plant Growth Regulation. 86, 323–331. doi:10.1007/s10725-018-0431-3

18. Pan R#, Xu L#, Wei Q, Wu C, Tang W, Zhang W. (2017). Piriformospora indica promotes early flowering in Arabidopsis through regulation of the photoperiod and gibberellin pathways. PloS One. 12(12):e0189791. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0189791

19. Anwar T, Liu X, Hu A, Zhang W, Xu L*. (2017). Contribution of antioxidative enzymes and anoxia responsive genes to submergence tolerance in rice: a review. Agricultural Science & Technology. doi:10.16175/j.cnki.1009-4229.2017.09.001.

20. Zhang, W#, Wang, J#, Xu, L#, Wang, A, Huang, L, Du, H. (2017). Drought stress responses in maize are diminished by Piriformospora indica. Plant Signal Behav. doi: 10.1080/15592324.2017.1414121.

21. Anwar T, Pan R, Liu X, Huang X, Fan D, Xu L, Zhang W. (2017). Expression profiling of anoxia-responsive genes and changes in both antioxidative enzymes and lipid peroxidation in rice seedlings under anoxia stress. International J Chemical Studies. 9

22. 吴红胜,徐乐,李胜杰. (2022). 关于聚合酶的两个疑问解析. 生物学教学. 47:1.

23. 徐乐, 陈培茹, 刘意, . 甘薯 IbERF 071基因的克隆及表达特性分析. (2022). 长江大学学报(自然科学版), 19 (3): 99-108.

24. 徐乐, 李胜杰, 张真. (2021). 植物能从土壤中吸收有机物吗. 生物学教学. 46(2):1.

25. 徐乐, 汪嫒嫒, 叶开温, 张文英. (2018). ABANO在印度梨形孢提高玉米苗期抗旱性的作用. 分子植物育种.16(9):2939-2947.

26. 徐乐, 潘锐, 贠平, 王奇, 盛煌俊, 张文英. 2018. 硫化氢耐受差异水稻品系筛选与鉴定. 分子植物育种, 2018.16(18): 6088-6096.

27. 徐乐,李胜杰. 关于磷酸二酯键、磷酸键和高能磷酸键的辨析. 生物学教学. 2017-1.


1. 徐乐,张文英,王赛赛,彭微. 实用新型专利小型植物水淹处理模拟装置”ZL 2016 2 0020952.4. 2016.06.29授权.

2. 张文英,韦巧,吴楚,徐乐,武美燕刘晓雪. 实用新型专利组合式植物生长瓶”ZL 2015 2 0628192.0. 2016.02.24授权.

3. 周美学,张文英,徐乐,徐延浩. 发明专利一种旱作物湿害鉴定装置及其鉴定方法”ZL 2015 1 0967778.4. 2018.02.27授权.

4. 贠平,张文英,徐乐. 实用新型一种植物水培盒” ZL 2016 2 0535934.X 2016.12.14授权.

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