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  • 姓  名:曾凡荣
  • 性  别:
  • 出生日期:
  • 民  族:
  • 籍  贯:
  • 学  位:博士
  • 学  历:博士研究生
  • 职  称:教授
  • 职  务:
  • 政治面貌:
  • 邮  箱:fanrong.zeng@yangtzeu.edu.cn
  • 联系电话:

长期从事作物抗逆生理与分子机制研究,在作物对重金属、干旱、涝害、盐碱等非生物逆境的响应及其机理研究上取得了突出成绩,迄今累计发表SCI收录学术论文55篇,其中第一、共一或通讯作者20篇,Web of Science他引总计1900余次,单篇最高他引544次,h指数22;获省部级科技(自然)奖二等奖3项、全国优秀博士论文提名奖1项以及中国作物科技奖1项;主持国家和省级科研项目6项,其中国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目1项、面上项目2项、青年基金1项;参与国家和省级科研项目6项,其中国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家农业产业技术体系各1项;目前任国际期刊《Functional Plant Biology》副主编


1. 作物环境胁迫生理与调控;

2. 作物重金属吸收、转运与积累;

3. 禾本科作物“开-闭”颖活动细胞信号;


2005/09 - 2010/12,浙江大学,作物学,博士,导师:张国平

2001/09 - 2005/06,南京农业大学,农学,学士


2021/04 –至今,长江大学,九州官方网站(中国),教授

2021/02 – 2021/03,长江大学,九州官方网站(中国),副教授

2014/12 – 2021/01,浙江大学,农业与生物技术学院,副教授

2013/09 – 2014/12,浙江大学,农业与生物技术学院,助理研究员

2011/09 – 2013/09,澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学,九州官方网站(中国),访问学者

2011/03 – 2013/09,浙江大学,农业与生物技术学院,博士后



1. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,32061143044、植物根际促生菌(PGPR)诱导禾谷类作物耐盐性的机制解析、2021/01-2023/12232.8万元,在研,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31571599、大麦-颖过程中浆片膨胀-收缩的细胞渗透调、2016/01-2019/1279.2万元、结题、主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31371559、细胞内钾离子动态平衡调控大麦抗旱性信号转导途径的研究、2014/01-2017/1283万元、结题、主持。

4. 浙江省公益性技术应用研究计划,2014C32035、不同超高产杂交水稻组合的养分吸收、利用特性及对根际微环境的影响,201401-2016-1210万元、结题、主持。

5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31101107、水稻铬毒害和耐性的机理研究、2012/01-2012/1210万元、结题、主持。

6. 中国博士后科学基金,20110491820,铬在水稻体内的分布和化学形态变化规律研究,2011/06-2013/093万元、结题、主持。


1. 国家重点研发计划、2018YFD0800203、都市农区镉砷污染防治与生态安全保障技术示范、2018/07-2020/12176万元,在研,参与。

2. 浙江省“三农六方”科技协作项目、2018SNLF010、完全生物降解地膜引进试验示范、2018/08-2020/1250万元,在研,参与。

3. 国家农业产业技术体系、CARS-05-02A-01、大麦青稞产业技术体系、2016/01-2020/12280万元,结题,参与。

4. 国家农业部引进国际先进农业科学技术计划(948计划)、2015-C6、南非农业资源信息搜集与科技发展现状调查研究、2015/05-2016/1250万元,结题,参与。

5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金、31401369、基于组学方法研究西藏野生大麦特异种质的耐铝机制、2015/01-2017/1222万元,结题,参与。

6. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,31330055、利用异源基因组渗入系和AB-QTL分析发掘青藏高原野生大麦特异种质、2014/01-2018/12287万元、结题、参加。


1. 稻麦籽粒有毒重金属的积累与调控机理研究,浙江省人民政府,自然科学奖二等奖,张国平、邬飞波、曾凡荣、曹方彬、陈飞,2020

2. 稻麦籽粒有毒重金属的积累与调控机理研究,中国作物学会,科技进步奖,张国平、邬飞波、曾凡荣、曹方斌、林莉、陈飞、蔡悦,2017

3. 稻麦籽粒重金属低积累机理与粮食安全生产原理研究,教育部,高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖二等奖,张国平、邬飞波、曾凡荣、陈飞、程旺大、林莉、蔡悦,2015

4. 浙江大学求是青年学者曾凡荣2014

5. 水稻铬毒害和耐性的生理与分子机理研究,教育部,全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖,曾凡荣2013

6. 作物重金属耐性和积累基因型差异机理与调控研究,浙江省人民政府,浙江省科学技术奖二等奖,张国平、邬飞波、程旺大、曾凡荣、陈飞、郭天荣、邵国胜、黄有总;2009



1. Deng F*, Zeng FR*, Chen G, Feng X, Riaz A, Wu XJ, Gao W, Wu FB, Holford P, Chen ZH#. Metalloid hazards: from plant molecular evolution to mitigation strategies. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 409: 124495. IF=9.038. WOS引用=0. 中科院SCI期刊分区:环境科学1区。

2. Chen XH*, Ouyang YN*, Fan YC, Qiu BY, Zhang GP, Zeng FR#. The pathway of transmembrane cadmium influx via calcium-permeable channels and its spatial characteristics along rice root. Journal of Experimental Botany 2018, 69: 5279-5291. IF=5.908. WOS引用=22. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学1区。

3. Zeng FR*, Shabala S#, Maksimović JD, Maksimović V, Bonales-Alatorre E, Shabala L, Yu M, Zhang GP, Živanović BD. Revealing mechanisms of salinity tissue tolerance in succulent halophytes: a case study for Carpobrotus rossi. Plant, Cell & Environment, 2018, 41: 2654-2667. IF= 6.362. WOS引用=8. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学1区。

4. Zeng FR*, Konnerup D, Shabala L, Zhou M, Colmer TD, Zhang GP, Shabala S#. Linking oxygen availability with membrane potential maintenance and K+ retention of barley roots: implications for waterlogging stress tolerance. Plant, Cell & Environment 2014, 37: 2325-2338. IF= 6.362.WOS引用=31. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学1区。

5. Zeng FR*, Ali S, Zhang HT, Ouyang YN, Zhang GP#. The influence of pH and organic matter content in paddy soil on heavy metal availability and their uptake by rice plants. Environmental Pollution 2011, 159: 84-91. IF= 6.792.WOS引用=554. 中科院SCI期刊分区:环境科学1区。



Web of Science 数据库引用













1. Deng F*, Zeng FR*, Chen G, Feng X, Riaz A, Wu XJ, Gao W, Wu FB, Holford P, Chen ZH#. Metalloid hazards: from plant molecular evolution to mitigation strategies. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 409: 124495. IF=9.038. WOS引用=0. 中科院SCI期刊分区:环境科学1区。

2. Zhang S*, Li Q, Nazir MM, Ali S#, Ouyang YN, Ye SZ, Zeng FR#. Calcium plays a double-edged role in modulating cadmium uptake and translocation in rice. International Journal of Molecular Science 2020, 21: 8058. IF=4.556. WOS引用=0. 中科院SCI期刊分区:生化与分子生物学3区。

3. Cai KF*, Chen XH, Han ZG, Wu XJ, Zhang S, Li Q, Nazir MM, Zhang GP, Zeng FR#. Screening of worldwide barley collection for drought tolerance: the assessment of various physiological measures as the selection criteria. Frontiers in Plant Science 2020, 11:1159. IF=4.402. WOS引用=1. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学2区。

4. Zeng FR*, Zahoor M, Waseem M, Anayat A, Rizwan M, Ahmad A, Yasmeen T#, Ali S#, El-Sheikh MA, Alyemeni MN, Wijaya L. Influence of metal-resistant staphylococcus aureus strain K1 on the alleviation of chromium stress in wheat. Agronomy 2020, 10(9): 1354. IF=2.603. WOS引用=1. 中科院SCI期刊分区:农艺学3区。

5. Adil MF*, Sehar S, Han ZG, Lwalaba JLW, Jilani G, Zeng FR, Chen ZH, Shamsi IH#. Zinc alleviates cadmium toxicity by modulating photosynthesis, ROS homeostasis, and cation flux kinetics in rice. Environmental Pollution 2020, 265(B): 114979. IF=6.792. WOS引用=2. 中科院SCI期刊分区:环境科学1区。

6. Han ZG*, Ahsan M, Adil MF, Chen XH, Nazir MM, Shamsi IH, Zeng FR, Zhang GP#. Identification of the gene network modules highly associated with the synthesis of phenolics compounds in barley by transcriptome and metabolome analysis. Food Chemistry 2020, 323: 126862. IF=6.306. WOS引用=1. 中科院SCI期刊分区:食品科技1区。

7. Feng X*, Liu WX, Qiu CW, Zeng FR, Wang YZ, Zhang GP, Chen ZH#, Wu FB#. HvAKT2 and HvHAK1 confer drought tolerance in barley through enhanced leaf mesophyll H+ homoeostasis. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2020, 18(8): 1683-1696. IF=8.154. WOS引用=8. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学1区。

8. Liu J*, Shabala S#, Zhang J, Ma GH, Chen DD, Shabala L, Zeng FR, Chen ZH, Zhou MX, Venkataraman G, Zhao QZ#. Melatonin improves rice salinity stress tolerance by NADPH oxidasedependent control of the plasma membrane K+ transporters and K+ homeostasis. Plant, Cell & Environment, 2020, 43(11): 2591-2605. IF=6.362. WOS引用=10. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学2区。

9. Zarei M*, Shabala S#, Zeng FR, Chen XH, Zhang S, Azizi M, Rahemi M, Davarpanah S, Yu M, Shabala L. Comparing kinetics of xylem ion loading and its regulation in halophytes and glycophytes. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2020, 61(2): 403-415. IF=4.062. WOS引用=5. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学2区。

10. Liu J*, Shabala S#, Shabala L, Zhou MX, Meinke H, Venkataraman G, Chen ZH, Zeng FR, Zhao QZ#. Tissue-specific regulation of Na+ and K+ transporters explains genotypic differences in salinity stress tolerance in rice. Frontiers in Plant Science 2019, 10: 1361. IF=4.402. WOS引用=10. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学2区。

11. Cai KF*, Gao NZ, Wu XJ, Zhang S, Han ZG, Chen XH, Zhang GP, Zeng FR#. The ability to regulate transmembrane potassium transport in root is critical for drought tolerance in barley. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019, 20(17): 4111. IF=4.556. WOS引用=5. 中科院SCI期刊分区:生化与分子生物学3区。

12. Gill MB*, Zeng FR, Shabala L, Zhang GP, Yu M, Demidchik V, Shabala S#, Zhou MX. Identification of QTL related to ROS formation under hypoxia and their association with waterlogging and salt tolerance in barley. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019, 20: 69910. IF=4.556. WOS引用=5. 中科院SCI期刊分区:生化与分子生物学3区。

13. Chen G*, Wang YY, Wang XL, Yang Q, Quan XY, Zeng JB, Dai F, Zeng FR, Wu FB, Zhang GP, Chen ZH#. Leaf epidermis transcriptome reveals drought-induced hormonal signaling for stomatal regulation in wild barley. Plant Growth Regulation 2019, 87(1): 39-5410. IF=2.388. WOS引用=9. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学3区。

14. Chen XH*, Ouyang YN*, Fan YC, Qiu BY, Zhang GP, Zeng FR#. The pathway of transmembrane cadmium influx via calcium-permeable channels and its spatial characteristics along rice root. Journal of Experimental Botany 2018, 69: 5279-5291. IF=5.908. WOS引用=22. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学1区。

15. Zeng FR*, Shabala S#, Maksimović JD, Maksimović V, Bonales-Alatorre E, Shabala L, Yu M, Zhang GP, Živanović BD. Revealing mechanisms of salinity tissue tolerance in succulent halophytes: a case study for Carpobrotus rossi. Plant, Cell & Environment, 2018, 41: 2654-2667. IF=6.362. WOS引用=8. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学1区。

16. Liu WX*, Feng X, Qiu Y, Chen ZH, Zeng FR, Zhang GP, Wu FB#. Genotypic difference in the influence of aluminum and low pH on ion flux, rhizospheric pH and ATPase activity between Tibetan wild and cultivated barley. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2018, 156:16-24. IF=4.027. WOS引用=4. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学2区。

17. Gill MB*, Zeng FR, Shabala L, Bohm J, Zhang G, Zhou M, Shabala S#. The ability to regulate voltage-gated K+-permeable channels in the mature root epidermis is essential for waterlogging tolerance in barley. Journal of Experimental Botany 2018, 69: 667-680. IF=5.908. WOS引用=15. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学1区。

18. Gill MB*, Zeng FR, Shabala L, Zhang G, Fan Y, Shabala S#. Cell-based phenotyping reveals QTL for membrane potential maintenance associated with hypoxia and salinity stress tolerance in barley. Frontiers in Plant Science 2017, 8: 1941. IF=4.402. WOS引用=8. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学2区。

19. Falakboland Z*, Zhou M, Zeng FR, Kianipouya A, Shabala L, Shabala S#. Plant ionic relation and whole-plant physiological responses to waterlogging, salinity and their combination in barley. Functional Plant Biology 2017, 44: 941-953. IF=2.617. WOS引用=8. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学3区。

20. Ye ZL*, Zeng JB, Li X, Zeng FR, Zhang GP#. Physiological characterizations of three barley genotypes in response to low potassium stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 2017, 39: 232. IF=1.760. WOS引用=5. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学4区。

21. Wu XJ*, Cai KF, Zhang GP, Zeng FR#. Metabolite proling of barley grains subjected to water stress: to explain the genotypic difference in drought-induced impacts on malting quality. Frontiers in Plant Science 2017, 8:1547. IF=4.402. WOS引用=26. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学2区。

22. Gill MB*, Cai KF, Zhang GP, Zeng FR#. Brassinolide alleviates the drought-induced adverse effects in barley by modulation of enzymatic antioxidants and ultrastructure. Plant Growth Regulation 2017, 5: 1-9. IF=2.388. WOS引用=14. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学3区。

23. Wu XJ*, Zeng FR, Zhang GP#. PEG-simulated drought stress and spike in vitro culture are used to study the impact of water stress on barley malt quality. Plant Growth Regulation 2017, 81: 243-252. IF=2.388. WOS引用=6. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学3区。

24. Guo HP*, Feng X, Hong C, Chen H, Zeng FR, Zheng B, Jiang DA. Malate secretion from the root system is an important reason for higher resistance of Miscanthus sacchariflorus to cadmium. Physiologia Plantarum 2017, 159: 340-353. IF=4.148. WOS引用=20. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学2区。

25. Feng X*, Liu WX, Zeng FR, Chen ZH, Zhang GP, Wu FB#. K+ uptake, H+-ATPase pumping activity and Ca2+ efflux mechanism are involved in drought tolerance of barley. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2016, 129: 57-66. IF=4.027. WOS引用=18. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学2区。

26. Wu XJ*, Chen X, Zeng FR, Zhang GP#. The genotypic difference in the effect of water stress after anthesis on the malt quality parameters in barley. Journal of Cereal Science 2015, 65: 209-214. IF=2.938. WOS引用=8. 中科院SCI期刊分区:食品科技2区。

27. Zeng FR*, Konnerup D, Shabala L, Zhou M, Colmer TD, Zhang GP, Shabala S#. Linking oxygen availability with membrane potential maintenance and K+ retention of barley roots: implications for waterlogging stress tolerance. Plant, Cell & Environment 2014, 37: 2325-2338. IF=6.362. WOS引用=31. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学1区。

28. Zeng FR*, Wu XJ, Qiu BY, Wu FB, Jiang LX, Zhang GP#. Physiological and proteomic alterations in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings under hexavalent chromium stress. Planta 2014; 240: 291-308. IF=3.390. WOS引用=35. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学2区。

29. Bose J*, Shabala L, Pottosin I, Zeng FR, Velarde-Buendía A, Massart A, Poschenrieder C, Hariadi Yuda, Shabala S#. Kinetics of xylem loading, membrane potential maintenance, and sensitivity of K+-permeable channels to ROS: physiological traits that differentiate salinity tolerance between pea and barley. Plant, Cell & Environment 2014, 37: 587-600. IF=6.362. WOS引用=81. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学1区。

30. Cao FB*, Wang RF, Cheng WD, Zeng FR, Ahmed IM, Hu X, Zhang GP, Wu FB#. Genotypic and environmental variation in cadmium, chromium, lead and copper in rice and approaches for reducing the accumulation. Science of the Total Environment 2014, 496: 275-281. IF=6.551. WOS引用=61. 中科院SCI期刊分区:环境科学1区。

31. Zeng FR*, Shabala L, Zhou MX, Zhang GP, Shabala S#. Barley responses to combined waterlogging and salinity stress: separating effects of oxygen deprivation and elemental toxicity. Frontiers in Plant Science 2013, 4: 313. IF=4.402. WOS引用=51. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学2区。

32. Qiu BY*, Zeng FR, Cai SG, Wu XD, Haider SI, Wu FB, Zhang GP#. Alleviation of chromium toxicity in rice seedlings by applying exogenous glutathione. Journal of Plant Physiology 2013, 170: 772-779. IF=3.013. WOS引用=37. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学2区。

33. Bonales-Alatorre E*, Pottosin I, Shabala L, Chen ZH, Zeng FR, Jacobsen S, Shabala S#. Differential activity of plasma and vacuolar membrane transporters contributes to genotypic differences in salinity tolerance in a halophyte species, Chenopodium quinoa. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2013, 14: 9267-9285. IF=4.556. WOS引用=60. 中科院SCI期刊分区:生化与分子生物学3区。

34. Maksimović JD*, Zhang JY, Zeng FR, Živanović BD, Shabala L, Zhou MX, Shabala S#. Linking oxidative and salinity stress tolerance in barley: can root antioxidant activity be used as a measure of stress tolerance? Plant and Soil 2013, 365: 141-155. IF=3.299. WOS引用=40. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学2区。

35. Zeng FR*, Qiu BY, Wu XJ, Niu SZ, Wu FB, Zhang GP#. Glutathione-mediated alleviation of chromium toxicity in rice plants. Biological Trace Element Research 2012, 148: 255-263. IF=2.639. WOS引用=42. 中科院SCI期刊分区:生化与分子生物学3区。

36. Ali S*, Cai SG, Zeng FR, Qiu BY, Zhang GP#. Effect of salinity and hexavalent chromium stresses on uptake and accumulation of mineral elements in barley genotypes differing in salt tolerance. Journal of Plant Nutrition 2012, 35: 827-839. IF=1.132. WOS引用=23. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学4区。

37. Ali S*, Bai P, Zeng FR, Cai SG, Shamsi IH, Qiu BY, Wu FB, Zhang GP#. The ecotoxicological and interactive effects of chromium and aluminum on growth, oxidative damage and antioxidant enzymes on two barley genotypes differing in Al tolerance. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2011, 70: 185-191. IF=4.027. WOS引用=65. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学2区。

38. Ali S*, Zeng FR, Qiu BY, Cai SG, Qiu L, Wu FB, Zhang GP#. Interactive effects of aluminum and chromium stresses on the uptake of nutrients and the metals in barley. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2011, 57: 68-79. IF=1.432. WOS引用=12. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学4区。

39. Zeng FR*, Zhao FS, Qiu BY, Ouyang YN, Wu FB, Zhang GP#. Alleviation of chromium toxicity by silicon addition in rice plants. Agricultural Sciences in China 2011, 10: 1188-1196. WOS引用=44. 中科院SCI期刊分区:未被JCR收录,无分区。

40. Zeng FR*, Zhou WH, Qiu BY, Ali S, Wu FB, Zhang GP#. Subcellular distribution and chemical form of chromium in rice plants suffering from the different chromium stress. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 2011, 174: 249-256. IF=2.083. WOS引用=53. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学3区。

41. Ouyang YN*, Zeng FR, Zhan L, Zhang GP#. Characterization of growth and light utilization for rice genotypes with different tiller angles. Agricultural Sciences in China 2011, 10: 1701-1709. WOS引用=1. 中科院SCI期刊分区:未被JCR收录,无分区。

42. Chen S*, Zhou WH, Zeng FR, Zhang GP#. Effect of planting method on grain quality and nutrient utilization for no-tillage rice. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 2011, 42: 1324-1335. IF=0.767. WOS引用=5. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学4区。

43. Qiu BY*, Zeng FR, Xue DW, Zhou WH, Ali S, Zhang GP#. QTL mapping for chromium-induced growth and zinc, and chromium distribution in seedlings of a rice DH population. Euphytica 2011, 181: 429-439. IF=1.614. WOS引用=5. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学3区。

44. Ali S*, Zeng FR, Qiu L, Zhang GP#. The effect of chromium and aluminum on growth, root morphology, photosynthetic parameters and transpiration of the two barley cultivars. Biologia Plantarum 2011, 55: 291-296. IF=1.601. WOS引用=38. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学4区。

45. Ali S*, Zeng FR, Cai SG, Qiu BY, Zhang GP#. The interaction of salinity and chromium in the influence of barley growth and oxidative stress. Plant Soil and Environment 2011, 57: 153-159. IF=1.324. WOS引用=32.中科院SCI期刊分区:农艺学4区。

46. Zeng FR*, Ali S, Zhang HT, Ouyang YN, Zhang GP#. The influence of pH and organic matter content in paddy soil on heavy metal availability and their uptake by rice plants. Environmental Pollution 2011, 159: 84-91. IF=6.792. WOS引用=544. 中科院SCI期刊分区:环境科学1区。

47. Zeng FR*, Qiu BY, Ali S, Zhang GP#. Genotypic differences in nutrient uptake and accumulation in rice under chromium stress. Journal of Plant Nutrition 2010, 33: 518-528. IF=1.132. WOS引用=27. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学4区。

48. Zeng FR*, Ali S, Qiu BY, Wu FB, Zhang GP#. Effects of chromium stress on the subcellular distribution and chemical form of Ca, Mg, Fe and Zn in two rice genotypes. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 2010, 173: 135-148. IF=2.083. WOS引用=21. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学3区。

49. Xue DW, Zhou MX, Zhang XQ, Chen S, Wei K, Zeng FR, Mao Y, Wu FB, Zhang GP#. Identification of QTLs for yield and yield components of barley under different growth conditions. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B 2010, 11: 169-176. IF=2.082. WOS引用=34. 中科院SCI期刊分区:生化与分子生物学3区。

50. Qiu BY*, Zhou WH, Xue DW, Zeng FR, Ali S, Zhang GP#. Identification of Cr-tolerant lines in a rice (Oryza sativa) DH population. Euphytica 2010, 174: 199-207. IF=1.614. WOS引用=11. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学3区。

51. Jalloh MA*, Chen JH, Zeng FR, Zhang GP#. Effect of different N fertilizer forms on antioxidant capacity and grain yield of rice growing under Cd stress. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2009, 162: 1081-1085. IF=9.038. WOS引用=101. 中科院SCI期刊分区:环境科学1区。

52. Jin XL*, Huang YZ, Zeng FR, Zhou MX, Zhang GP#. Genotypic difference in response of peroxidase and superoxide dismutase isozymes and activities to salt stress in barley. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 2009, 21: 1103-1109. IF=1.760. WOS引用=20. 中科院SCI期刊分区:植物科学4区。

53. Zeng FR*, Chen S, Miao Y, Wu FB, Zhang GP#. Changes of organic acid exudation and rhizosphere pH in the rice plants under chromium stress. Environmental Pollution 2008, 155: 284-289. IF=6.792. WOS引用=97. 中科院SCI期刊分区:环境科学1区。

54. Zeng FR*, Mao Y, Cheng WD, Wu FB, Zhang GP#. Genotypic and environmental variation in chromium, cadmium and lead concentrations in rice. Environmental Pollution 2008, 153: 309-314. IF=6.792. WOS引用=153. 中科院SCI期刊分区:环境科学1区。

55. Chen S, Zeng FR, Pao ZZ, Zhang GP#. Characterization of high-yield performance as affected by genotype and environment in rice. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B 2008, 9: 363-370. IF=2.082. WOS引用=15. 中科院SCI期刊分区:生化与分子生物学3区。


1. 张文英,李承道等编《作物表型研究方法》, 科学出版社,中国北京 2017ISBN9787030512451,参编,pp. 294-308

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1. 浙大10号, 非主要农作物品种登记GPD大麦(青稞)(2020330048,张国平、邬飞波、戴飞、曾凡荣、叶玲珍、曹方彬,2020-11-12

2. 一种水稻浆片膨胀调控剂及其施用方法,发明专利 ZL 2015 1 0941899.1,欧阳由男、曾凡荣、曹立勇、叶淑珍、王艳丽、张震、王教瑜、寿建尧、蒋玉根、秦叶波,2018-03-20

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